Partnering for
Our Mission
JABAR’s mission is to responsibly resource and support eligible recipients by partnering with them in their work.
Organisations we
partner with meet the follwing criteria:
Alignment with Jabar’s Mission and Values
Does the work of the organisation align with JABAR’s mission and values?
JABAR believes that regardless of any immediate humanitarian rescue or relief efforts undertaken, permanent, life-changing, and transformative rescue and relief are only possible through the communication of and personal response to the good news of Jesus. All people, regarless of race or creed are benefitiaries.
Impact & Effectiveness
What is the stated hope for the impact of the organisation’s work? Have potential negative impacts been well considered? How effectively has the organisation achieved its goals in the past? Does the organisation actively engage with the community it serves?
This can include collaboration with other organisations to meet community needs, and inclusion of community members in decision-making processes.
Organisational Capacity & Sustainability
Does the organisation have the capacity to carry out the proposed project or program? This includes contextualised leadership, staffing, and financial stability. Does the organisation have a plan for sustaining the project or program beyond the funding period, beyond current staffing & volunteer resources?
Transparency and Accountability
Does the organisation have clear, transparent financial practices? Will it be accountable to JABAR by reporting on criteria at the requested frequency?
JABAR Foundation recipients are required to be registered with the ACNC as item 1 recipients and have active DGR status.